A source of beauty for the middle-age ladies
30-year-old housewife
Consume wild honey vinegar daily, and has her pain in shoulders and waist reduced.
I have heard about the usefulness of wild honey vinegar. After flipping through some Chinese medicine book, I discovered a way to make wild honey vinegar. Mix 1kg of green lime, 900ml of vinegar, 1 kg of honey, and sealed it in an air-tight glass bottle. Leave the bottle for 1 month, and it is ready for consumption. The amount of water to be added shall depend on personal favour. There will be a taste of sweetness; therefore, ladies will like it.
I started consuming 2 years ago. After giving birth at 27 years old, my health condition has worsened. I felt tired easily and have no strength in my body. Even sleeping doesn't help. I felt pain in the neck and shoulders, which needs frequent massage. The pain is even worse at the waist area.
To regain strength, I started taking wild honey vinegar. I drink 2 ~ 3 cups daily. After ?year, the pain in the shoulders has reduced, and I do not get tired easily. Recently, the pain in the shoulders and waist has gone, and I have regain strength in my body. I returned to my job on September last year. Wild honey vinegar is great!
35-year-old housewife Constipation during pregnancy gone, low blood pressure back to normal. No more anemia and giddiness.
I started consuming wild honey vinegar after I was pregnant. I was pregnant on March last year. Constipation started on June. Before that, passing motion was smooth and not much of a problem.
Halfway during my pregnancy, a change took place in my body. Passing motion was difficult, and the waste was hard. Even after I came out of the toilet, I had a feeling of not passing all out, which made me felt uneasy. A lot of pregnant woman consume pills to make passing motion easier. But I wanted to use food to help me. Therefore, I added apple cider into wild honey, dilute it with 5 times of water, and consume it once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once at night. Therefore, everything was solved.

Drink wild honey vinegar, you will feel energetic even during pregnancy.
Normally, at the later part of the pregnancy, constipation will become very serious. But even if I don't take pills, passing motion is not a problem for me. The baby was born in October. I continue to take wild honey vinegar after that, and the results still can be seen.
First, my low blood pressure is back to normal, from 90/60 to 119/73. The problem of feeling giddy because of anemia has gone. Because of wild honey vinegar, my first baby was delivered safely. I felt healthier than ever.