Using honey frequently, especially in place of other sweeteners, makes good nutritional sense.
In a recent review of related literature, Dr. Susan Percival of the University of Florida's Food Science and Human Nutrition Department found that honey contains trace amounts of a wide array of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Honey contains antioxidants as well. In a separate scientific review, microbiologist Richard F. Stier found that honey's unique composition makes it an effective antimicrobial agent, useful for treating minor burns and scrapes. More exciting research is underway to discover other health benefits of honey. In the meantime, you can feel good about making life a little bit sweeter-with honey!
"When you consider that the source of honey is floral nectars, it is not surprising to learn that honey contains a wide array of vitamins, such as vitamin B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid." says Dr. Percival, adding "Essential minerals, such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc are also found in honey."
In addition, several different amino acids have been identified in honey. Although these vitamins, minerals and amino acids appear in trace amounts, and vary depending on the honey's floral source, they contribute to your overall nutrition intake.